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Freshwater Ich - treatment for aquarium with crayfish

23 16:47:35

Greetings Jamie,

I have been studying fish diseases, too - out of necessity.
I have already sent a question to Karen, but was wondering in in your research "travels" you have stumbled across any Freshwater Treatment that is safe for a 75 gallon freshwater aquarium that contains a crayfish.

Only one of my fish has a white spot (a tinfoil barb has one spot on his tail) - but four fish occasionally rub up against rocks (just a couple times a day). The other three have no white spots.

Do you know anything about Kordon Ich Attack - all organic? Their web site doesn't specifically say it is safe for crayfish. I have to special order this product as no local fish store carries it. I was hoping one of the "experts" here would know something about it.



If it is only one fish with a spot, I would prob. just remove the one fish, put it in a hospital tank and change the water daily.  If he gets worse or the other fish develop spots, I would remove the fish to a treatment tank and treat with (rid ich or something like that) if it looks like the fish are sprinkled with salt.  If not, that could be a fungus/bacteria/fungus infection and could be treated with maracyn/maracyn2 in the treatment tank.  You should definately get a treatment tank of 10 gallons or so to help save money rather than treating the whole tank.