Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > bugs


23 16:01:53

I have a 55 gallon tank with 1 algae eater and 7 Guarami's. I now have little bugs (I'm thinking Ostracods)Is is okay to not feed my fish for 3 days so they can naturally start eating these little "buggers" or just thoroughly clean the tank to get rid of them?

Dear LeNae,

  I haven't had much experience with your particular problem, but I do have some suggestions.  I would start out with a massive water change of about 50%.  You can then try adding guppies or Mollies, but your best investment would probably be a betta.  The reason for this is it is extremely hard to kill Ostracod eggs and the above mentioned fish will eat them.
  A word of warning, if you do invest in a betta watch the reaction between it and your Guarami's.