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Adding Melafix to Aquarium

23 16:30:51

Hi, my little Beta, Squishy, has got a little bit of tail rot going on. I did a 50% water change last night (I'm also treating him for Ich and the bottle said to do a water change 24 hours after the first treatment) anyway, I added melafix to his water last night, but it says to do it every day, and I was just wondering if it is necessary to take Squishy out of the bowl every time I add the melafix, or I can just add it with him in it.

Thanks for the help,

Hi Caryn,
Sorry to hear about Squishy's finrot... :(

You shouldn't have to take him out of his  bowl when you medicate with the melafix. Its very important with finrot to do daily water changes of up to 100% everytime along with medication it really helps them a lot to have very clean water whenever they have illnesses like fin-rot. So whenever you do a water change, adding the melafix with the new water you mix up works fine.

Best of luck with treating Squishy, I hope he gets better!