Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Hi. Save Gary the snail PPLLEEAASSEE!!

Hi. Save Gary the snail PPLLEEAASSEE!!

23 16:21:20

Dear Karen,
I have a gold mystery snail named Gary.
He lives with a siamese fighting fish named Sammy.
I change their water once a week.
I use filtered drinking water.
Gary is my first bottom feeder so I don't really know how to take care of him.
He is growing blackish spots on his back and does not move much.
Gary also does not always eat.
When I first got him he was very active and there was no blackish spots on
the shell of Gary.
Please,I beg you to give me the best instructions of taking care of Gary.

Hi Samuel, ((I'm so sorry for the delay!))
I can't be for certain what's wrong with Gary. A picture should help. The spots may just be a natural coloration change, or maybe even algae spots. If the shell were developing holes and/or cracking I'd definitely be concerned. Sometimes snails aren't always active. Sometimes when they get older they slow down. Often they will go for quite a long time without moving, as if they are in hibernation. If he isn't eating the usual snail foods, algae wafers, shrimp pellets, zuchinni, lettuce, then I would be worried maybe there is something wrong.

If you could send a picture that would be very helpful, as it may just be a discoloration of his shell due to algae. You can send a picture to this address-

Best wishes,