Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > more please

more please

23 15:41:27

QUESTION: Hey my last question was about cycling and its been a week and only two out of the 5 zebras died(not actually, they kept turning upside down but were still alive so i took them out so it wouldn't spread).Anyways i have  2 angelfish and a red tail black shark(Don't worry i researched them and its half and half, on if you should or shouldn't had them too a 29 gallon(my lfs said i could) so I'm testing it and if it doesn't work, like he gets too big or too aggressive ill bring him back). Theres plenty of caves and hiding areas including three real floating plants for shade.Unfortunately i had to take out all the other plants because something was eating them probably the angels or the shark but the floaters are fine.Anyways i did a water change today 50% and everything's crystal clear and the fish are thriving. I bought a test kit but still have not used it. The tanks been set up for approx a week. But everything looks great. My question is what else should i get. I'm sure you'll say I'm already stocked as it is but i doubt it, with an aquaclear 50 and a 5 inch bubble bar i think I'm good.What else that's interesting can i add
thx marcus:)

ANSWER: Marcus,

I am one that thinks its ok to put Angelfish with the red tail shark. I know a lot of people that have done it and it works. Just remember, do not add another Red Tailed Shark to the mix. As far as other fish that can go with them and be happy are, Silver Dollars. Bala sharks, Cory Cats, sword tails and plecos. Now to the part you already know. You will over crowd the tank if you add too many more fish to your 29 gallon. With overcrowding comes disease and injuries. You might want to check your plants for snails, they might have been the ones that were eating the plants you removed. Make sure you rinse out the plants you put in, since snails and overpopulate very quickly.

Hope you enjoy the tank and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Unfortunately the plants have already been thrown out but what I'm wondering is exactly how many more fish can i had. I know its a tough questions because there's no real answer seeing that some fish require certain things and some are aggressive and territorial, but say i want some apple snails to stir up the sand and clean and some bigger size shrimp to also clean and look cool(instead of crayfish lol). And then some neon or cardinal tetras.Then maybe some dwarf frogs(i know its a lot especially seeing there all on the bottom but it doesn't need to be all of them,, tell me what you think.

ANSWER: Marcus,

It all depends on the measurement of your tank. For example, a standard rectangular 29-gallon tank will hold more fish that a a tall, narrow aquarium of 29 gallon tank. Remember, Apple snails are tropical so they need to be in a heated tank. As far as the shrimp, it would depend on what kind. Also, you have sand at the bottom of your tank? That is a very hard substrate to keep clean. What i would suggest is, find a fish that you really want and then we can go from there. That would be the best way to go. So, when you know what that fish is, let me know and I will help you fill your tank.

Take care, and i am looking forward to hearing from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My aquarium is rectangular and is exactly 30 in long 12 in wide and 16 in deep. My aquarium is also tropical seeing how i have a heater and keep the temperature at 78 degrees. The kind if shrimp I'm looking for are the bigger kind(either amano shrimp or anything of the same size or around). not cherry shrimp or anything similar in size. I find the substrate very easily to clean especially with my new gravel cleaner. I know i want someone else on the bottom but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, anyways the fish i really want are the not actually fish lol. What i want are shrimp and snails.


With the Amano Shrimp, I would add the Apple snail. They seem to work good together. I would add no more that 1 shrimp for every 2 gallons. If you add too many, there won't be enough algae in the tank for food. You might be able to add a couple Crystal Red and Crystal black shrimp to the mix. I had a few friends do that with mixed outcomes, so its mainly a hit and miss. I would start out with those and then see how it looks.

Hope this has helped.