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Aquariam Fish Diagnosis

25 9:11:34

Hi, My pet goldfish has a enlarged and raised eye, and cannot maintain balance. Could you diagnose the problem?

Thank You


This is likely a bacterial problem. Fish diseases are hard to give an exact name to, but we can be sure this is neither fungus nor parasite, so you should treat your tank with an antibacterial. Melafix is a good one, but there are more available.

Just to make sure it was not water quality issues that caused this problem, you may want to test your water for nitrites and ammonia. Also, make sure your aerator and filter are running properly. If its in a bowl, then you should clean the bowl and add some fresh water.

It might be an internal problem as well, which could be why he can't keep his balance. If it is, then he may not recover, or at least not quickly. Give him lots of time. Follow the medicines dosage instructions carefully, and if his tank is heated, you may want to turn the heater up a couple of degrees.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie