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new betta - need help

23 16:48:04

I set up a 10 gal aquarium, heater, air pump, Fluval 104 filter with the water flow restricted.  The light is an old UV bulb that was used for a turtle tank for about 6-8 months.  Supposedly it just gives off light now.  I have gravel and bought 3 live plants.  The tank was set up and running for a week.  The pet store said it was ok to put the betta at that point, so I got him.

The betta has not eaten anything since I got it - 5 days now.  I have tried dried blood worms, betta pellets and got some mosquito larvae.  He is not interested in any of it.  He kind of "smells" it but does not attempt even a nibble.

I have been doing partial water changes daily because the Nitrites have been running high.  I got some aquarium salt last night and have started using it at 2 tablespoons for the 10 gal.  Tonight, when I did the water change, I took the replacement water from a 60 gal tank that has been running for months.  I was hoping that would help the cycling process.

He will flare at a mirror and strut his stuff, but he does a lot of just hanging around.  So far he looks ok when he is moving, but just huddles a lot.

Since I got him, I have read everything I have been able to find on the internet.  Unfortunately, I had already moved him to the tank before reading that they are sensitive to different water and should be introduced very slowly.  I'm afraid any damage of that type has been done.  I floated his little plastic cup for about 1/2 hour and then put him in the tank.  

Anthing else I can do or should be doing?


Unfortunately, bettas are not well taken care of and you can get a sick one. It sounds like you are doing everything right. If he gets better, I would get him some buddies like blood fins (mollies are good too but they get sick easily) and a catfish. Try giving him some cucumber or zucchini (round peice that floats at the top) and see if he picks at it. My fish adore it and it is good for them.