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35 to 45 gallon hexagon tank

23 17:00:25

someone gave me a fish tank but didnt know what size it was. i know its between 35 to 45 gallons and has six sides. each side is 11.5 in wide and about 24 in high. about how many inches of fish would i be able to put in this tank? freshwater tropical fish. thank you for the help on a previous question i asked it helped a lot.

Dear John,
What a unique aquarium!
It can be one of the most difficult things to determine how many inches of fish are suitable for any aquarium. Because it all depends on the size of the fish and the aquarium's filtration and water change schedule. Plus the feeding habits of the fish.
The fact that your aquarium tends to be taller than wider, it can hold a little less than a long and shorter aquarium. This is because taller tanks of course have a smaller surface area for oxygen exchange.

The best place to start is to know what type of tank setup this is going to be. My favorite aquarium community themes provide a home for 1-2 schools of sparkling colorful fish, a main show fish (for example, Angelfish, Gouramis, discus or some fish that stand out in both color and behavior)
and bottom dwellers or algae eating fish. And perhaps non-fish creatures such as shrimp.
A fine example of this for your size aquarium would be perhaps two schools of tetras (rummynose, neons, cardinals,lemons) or even Rasboras. A show fish whether it be a dwarf gourami, honey gourami, Angelfish or discus. And bottom dwellers could easily be a small school of corydoras catfish, and some ottocinclus or Siamese Algae eaters for algae cleanup.  

I would just be careful and do plenty of research on the fish species you are considering and if you have anymore questions, feel free to write me. Just try to stock lightly.

Best wishes and Happy holidays!