Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > some help?

some help?

23 16:28:59

90 gallon
all fish are 4 month+ old
weekly 25% water changes

just some stuff about my tank:
i noticed i barley ever have to use the heater my tank is always at a constant 18-80 degrees .i have 2 convicts,2angel fish,2 tiger barbs,4 silver tetras,1 blue gourami .my convicts recently had babies and I'm not sure what to do with them yet. i like they colors of cichlids so i was thinking i wanted a African and south American cichlid tank but more African one.

my questions:
what are some good African cichlid compatibilities ?

What to do with my convict young they are about 4 month old and a little under 1 inch?

Do you know of any good plants that are compatible with them also.


Yes, African cichlids are beautiful fish. In reference to compatibilities, there are endless possibilities. There are so many combinations it would take forever to list them here. However, a basic rule to keep is to never combine cichlids of the same color and pattern unless they are male and female. Other than that, most African cichlids can mix ok. However, do keep in mind they are aggressive fish and each fish has its own personality. Your local fish store should be able to better assist you. Most African cichlids can be mixed together in the right size tank with the right water conditions. As for the young, it depends on what you want to do with them. One good idea is to ask your local fish stores if they would be willing to buy them from you. You will usually get only a fraction of what they are worth, although it is the better solution versus killing them or using them as food. While you could also keep them together when they get older, chances are there are too many and it will limit your ability to get new cichlids, unless that is what you want. My suggestion would be to sell them to your local fish store. It is a fantastic thing that your fish are breeding, it means your tank conditions are ideal, which is difficult to achieve for cichlids. As for plants, nearly any will work. Live plants are always a good thing even if the fish eat them, its a good idea to get some and put them in the tank. Plants like sword plants and java moss are the most common and good pics. However, again you can get almost any live freshwater plant and your fish will love it and it will make them feel even more at home. Also, the plants are great places for the fish to breed, if you plan on continuing to breed. The best way I think you should go about starting your cichlid tank is to find a local independent fish store who has quality fish and tell them your plans and they should be more than happy to assist you for the long term. I hope I have given you some good suggestion and answered your questions. If not, please feel free to ask me anything else. Just let me know if you need anything else.