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Oscars behavior

25 9:15:19


well it turns out that 2 of them were really sick they died today looks like may have been ick or another parisite so I have treated the tank they were in the remaing 2 have gotten a lot more active today 1 day remaining for treatment and the fish store gave me aquriaum salt to put a dash in once a week they said to keep other parisites away does this make sense
thank you for your help but I was too late in finding out what was wrong with them im using mardel coppersafe to treat the tank I am hoping the other 2 will survive before I get a big tank I wanted to be sure I could care for this type of fish and I didnt know at first that they got so big so provided these guys make it then I will upgrade their home  

Dear Peter,
I'm very sorry to hear about you losing two of your Oscars.
That's so sad. Baby oscars have the tendancy to be more delicate when it comes to illness or poor water quality. Please take this  as a lesson to ALWAYS research before you buy any aquatic life as they may be well-beyond your level of experience/care. Oscars are one of those fish whom require a very strong commitment and understanding.

To help your other oscars out, Ick can be easily distinquished from other parasites by the appearance of fine white spots all over the body which give the appearance of the fish has been sprinkled with salt or sugar. Treatment is fairly easy especially if caught early but if left untreated, will be      . As I've said before young oscars are very sensitive to medications and illnesses. But if insured as low of stress levels as possible and proper treatment, they can be hardy and recover.
Ick can be cured often in several days by administering quick cure and being certain to change half their water or more every day or whenever any sign of stress is seen. Ammonia can be brought upon by medications due to the bacterial colonies being destroyed by the medication. This happens frequently, but not all the time. Testing your water for ammonia and better yet, changing half their water regardless is best.

Mardel coppersafe should be Ok for your oscars but remember water changes are the best sidetreatment to any medication.

Continue with coppersafe and insure to do those vital water changes everyday.

I know you meant well with your Oscars but researching is vital before you do anything when it comes to animals.
Actually, two oscars to a 120gal is much better than four. They should grow up together and will thrive in all that well-deserved space. They could even have a few tankmates that are similiar in temperament to the oscars.

I wish you only the very best with your Oscars! Let me know if you have anymore questions or concerns....

Best wishes and happy fishkeeping!