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Follow up on Callamanus worms

23 16:03:15

QUESTION: Hi April, thanks for your first answer, follow up question, I am thinking of transferring all fish to my hospital tank, disinfecting my main tank and then moving the unaffected fish back...I have heard callamanus does not usually bother egg layers (tetras, etc.) and indeed my egg layers do not seem to show any sign of worm infestation, would it be safe to consider them not infected and move them back to my main tank...some of my live bearers do not yet show sign of worms but I know that doesnt mean they are clean, am still trying to treat other fish, not ready to give up on them, lost anouther smaller young platy, smaller fish seem to be hit hardest, this is the 3rd, thanks again,

ANSWER: Hi Alice,

I would be hesitant not to treat everyone.  Fish can have callamanus worms and not show it.  They only hang out of the anus when in advanced reproductive stages so it may be that the others are in the beginning stages.  You would be upset to treat the fish you know are clearly infected and re-introduce them for everyone to get re-infected again by fish you thought were safe.  It's better to lose one medicating than to lose them all after a re-infestation.

I would definitely medicate in another tank if possible and completely disinfect your tank, gravel, filter and plants in 19 parts water to 1 part bleach.  This is considered a last resort disinfectant dip but these are serious parasites.   While you are medicating, fishlessly cycle your main tank.  You can do this by wrapping a raw cocktail shrimp in pantyhose and let it rot in the running tank.  This way the fish that survive won't be affected by the cycling process and the dip with destroy all of your beneficial bacteria.

Good luck : ) April M.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am going to do as you suggested and move all fish and sterilize main tank, I have ordered some paricide D, Claims to kill callamanus when fed to fish, at this point I have already fed an unbelievable amount of panacur to my fish and still see the worms, after treating fish with this new substance, if the worms appear to dissappear (at this point I am not believing anything will get rid of them) how will I know if they can be returned to the main tank, like you said just because I dont see the worms doesnt mean they are not there...thank you for the tip on cycling my tank fishless, can u give specifics on feeding peas to fish for constipation, maybe some roughage will help to push them out?  Thank you for all your help

Hi Alice,

Sure, you can clip to the inside of the tank a fresh spinach leaf.  You can even slice it up a little with a knife to make it look shreaded so it's easier to eat, and this is great for fish laxative.  You can also use fresh, thawed, skinned peas in bits.  They will sink but the fish will get to them, especially livebearers like mollies and platies.  This is more for the livebearers, the tetras won't eat the veggies.

I really hope this clears up for you!

Good luck : ) April M.