Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > 4 yr goldfish red spot

4 yr goldfish red spot

23 15:27:13

My Goldfish
My Goldfish  
QUESTION: My goldfish suddenly became lethargic and began swirling around the tank nearly gone.  I quickly set up a hospital tank and treated with Maracyn two which did wonders!! He is on his 6th day of treatment. He was happy and stronger. Yesterday he developed an orange spot. Otherwise his body looks perfect.  What is this and does it need treatment?
Thank you for your attention.

ANSWER: Heidi,

Is he trying to scratch himself on the gravel or any other decoration? If not, then he might have lost a scale or just going through a color change. I would not do any treatment yet. Let me know if he is scratching himself. If he is, then it could be red velvet. I don't really want to say it is because it also looks like a scale missing. Get back to me as soon as you can about the scratching on gravel or decorations.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

My goldfish pic 2
My goldfish pic 2  
QUESTION: Hi Jaymie,

Nope, he is not scratching or rubbing against anything.  He is acting himself.  Could it be anchor worm?  He is still under treatment with the Maracyn two, I thought I should continue it for a few extra days.

Thanks for your help!!


It is very important that you follow the direction on the medication. If it say to treat for 5 days then that is all you do. You don't want to over medicate or later when you need to use it again it won't work. If he isn't scratching and not showing any worms, then we don't treat for it. I think the spot is just a color change on him since it looks like the same color orange. I would just keep a close eye in him and if anything changes let me know.