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please answer thises questions ASAP

25 9:07:03

i have a platy. do you have to put salt in the tank? and they ok to be in the same tank as a female betta? how do i tell if my fish is a male or a female? i think its a female cuz i watched this show where they said that if there is a dark blotch  in between the two fins on the stomach  that means they she is pregant is this true? how do i tell if its a female and if  she pregant? do they need a filter or air pump or are they like bettas and come to the surface to get air please answer these questions as soon as possible!!!!!

~Melissa Swift~

Dear Melissa,
Platies are one of my favorite fish. There is a big debate about whether to put salt in their water or not. But I have asked many many knowledgeable fish people including the owner of a local fishshop and the truth is usually generations upon generations of platies are raised in completely freshwater. And now most all at the local petstore are well adapted to it. I have kept platies and even had them drop babies in a completely freshwater aquarium. So I believe you'll be fine there.

Your little platy should also do fine with a female betta. But I have known some female bettas to be temperamental and not want any other fish to live with them. But most are peaceful but like with any fish combination, always keep a close watch.

Yes it is indeed true that pregnant platies like many livebearers have a dark blotch very near their tail like in their lower stomach. Females are very easy to distinquish from males if you look for the bottom fin just in front of their tail, and if it is fan-shaped or looks just like a normally shaped fin. Then that is a female. But in males that fin is always pointed in shape.
*Most all female platies are already pregnant even if you just brought her home from the fishshop. Platies will breed any time. And females can have many broods of fry from just one mating. So if you do have a female she is surely pregnant right now. Pregnant females also have a quite rounded out belly and this is a very good indicator.

Platies cannot breath the surface air like bettas and they must take oxygen just from the water. So a airpump is greatly in need if you don't already have one. A filter is even better. I would recommend a hang-on-the-back power filter. Or you could get a efficient internal filter. Just make sure the filter creates surface agitation which helps bring the oxygen down into the water. Another thing is some filters make too much current in the aquarium that overwhelms a betta. Since bettas are slow moving fish that cannot swim along currents very well. You'll just need to be sure that your female betta isn't being stressed by the current of the filter and if she is. Try to find a way to direct the flow so it won't stress her but still insure you get some surface agitation. There are some airdriven little internal filters if your aquarium is small and these produce good oxygenatation without stressing slow moving fish like bettas.

Well, I really hope this helps!
I wish you only the best with your Betta and Platy, if she is a female, you will have babies soon!