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fish tank foggy and green with green spotson glass

25 9:10:43

i got a new tank about four months ago and three weeks ago it started to get green and then 2 weeks ago green hair started to form and just in the last two days green spots on the windows we have changed the filter and 1/3 of the water the water is foggy now and still green anything i can do plz help its a 25 gal tank and i have tiger barbs in it

Hi Gerald,
Thank you for your question. Here are my instructions for holistic aquarium care. Please read & print outl:
To end your problem, drastically cut back on fish food. If your fish act sick, i.e. listless, float near the top or bottom, dart around, get spots, etc., then follow the emergency care instructions at the bottom of the page. If nobody is sick, just use a clean sponge (dedicated to tank care) to remove the green stuff from the glass. Just pull it out by hand, as you can. It should diminish gradually after you quit overfeeding.
Feed one flake or pellet per square inch of fish per day, buy a bottle of Cycle (friendly bacteria) and add it to the tank following the instructions on the label, then continue to use it with water changes. Keep it in the refrigerator betwen use. Do not use chemical treatments because they do not help if the water is polluted with exceess food and fish waste. Cycle is not a chemical, but organic biology your fish need for digestion, healthy coat, break down fish waste in the tank, etc.
Hope this helps. Write back if you want to discuss further.