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Piranah in pond

23 16:49:03

Hey, I have 3 red belied piranha which I've had for over a year. There doing great but getting a little big. I was wondering if putting them in an outdoor pond was a good idea, until i can get a bigger tank( pretty much till august). I already have the pond set up its around 150-200 gallons. The only problem i have is that at night it may be to cold for them...I live in Canada... wondering what you would suggest? even getting a heater...

Dear Jeremy,
Wow, three Red bellied Piranhas!
The outdoor pond idea would probably be fine. But the cold nights would probably be too much for them. Piranhas are from tropical climates as you know, and they likely wouldn't survive very well with the cold temperatures of Canada. However, if you ran a few very good heaters you might be able to maintain the water temperature to a reasonably level for them at night.
If you do decide to move them outside, make sure the water quality is very, very close to the piranhas tank. In terms of pH, temperature and hardness. You'll want to moniter the ammonia levels that may arise when you add the piranhas since this probably won't be a cycled pond. You could move the piranha tanks' gravel, decor and filter media into the pond to further help with the possible ammonia problems. Also have on hand an ammonia neutralizer such as Amquel+ or Prime which will help with water conditions also.

Again, if you think moving them outdoors would be too cold or too much of a shock to them then they would probably be better off in the tank they are in now, even if it's a little cramped. Just keep up with large water changes and they will likely be fine.

I really hope this helps!
Piranhas are such neat fish!