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Sick Fish/Diagnosis

25 9:21:52

-He is not having any trouble staying upright or swimming at all.  I do notice that his fins a messed up a bit.  They look like they have some black on the edges in a few places.  He was swimming around pretty normal this afternoon so maybe the meds I gave are having a good affect.------------------------
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Chris thanks for writing back.  Color is same maybe lighter on belly side.  No changes to eyes that I can tell.  Seems responsive.  Gills are very red .  Other fish I can't see the inside of the gills to be able to compare.  Other fish aren't bothering him at all he is just hanging out at the powerhead.  When I turned the light on this morning he had been swimming down in the middle of the tank.  I went on and started a cycle of tetracycline tablets yesterday.  I had checked the water again and the only thing I noticed was the ph was between 6.0 & 6.4. Didnt't figure I had much time to spare before he was so damaged that I lost him.-------------------------
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Ph is 6.6, ammonia level 0 ppm.  I have a 50 gallon community tank that includes a bala shark, 2 blood parrots, rope fish, 4 barbs, 2 puffer fish, pleco, 3 rainbows.  My blood parrot which I have had for 4 years is acting strange.  Not eating, spends most of the day close to the top near the power heads. One gill is somewhat closed, other is flared and seems to be breathing rapidly. No sign of slime on his gills. I have done a water change of about 60% 2 days ago.  Help not sure what is the problem.
Answer -
Hi Dana;

Is his color different on one side of his body, like maybe darker?

Are both eyes responsive?
Does he seem to be blind in one or both eyes?
Any color changes to his eyes?

What color are the gills inside the gill plates? (red, pink, brownish)
How does his gill color compare to the other fishes' gills?

Do the other fish bother him or bully him?

Let me know as soon as you can.......

Chris Robbins
Answer -
Hi Dana;

If he is having trouble staying upright there may be an internal infection. It will put the fish off balance due to an intestinal problem causing gas or a failed swim bladder. You might try Maracyn 2 or Kanacyn. These meds get absorbed inside the fish instead of treating only the outside like most other meds do.

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Dana;

Keep up the good work. It sounds like you have it under control. It is so hard for me to tell what's wrong by email like this. I'm glad he's feeling better.

Black edges on the fins indicate burns from toxins like ammonia and/or nitrite. The black color is from scabbed-over tissue where the fish is "burned" by the toxins. It will fade with time and heal up. Sometimes we never do find out what caused the toxins to spike. It can go up and drop again in a couple of days without warning. His breathing hard at the top is another indication of it. No telling why this one fish reacted to it so severely. It just happens sometimes. You know your fish best, so if they act weird make a water change and look closely for other symptoms, just like you did.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins