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grouping fish

23 16:06:57

I just started a 55 gallon tank. pH 8.0 All other test 0, temp mid green on thermometer. Have not cleaned yet, only 2.5 weeks running.  I have 6 platys, 3 black mollies, 1 "sucker" fish and 6 zebras.  My question: The platys and mollies huddle in the corner of the tank alot.  Why?

They are afraid of something... platy's, Molly's, Guppies, are food fish in the wild... so it takes them a bit to settle down once you get them into a new environment... do they come out and eat when its feeding time???? Anther possibility is that there may be too much current in the tank for them and they find the only spot where they can rest....  let me know.... dave