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Iridescent fish

23 17:02:52

I've noticed in the past few days that my fish seem more iridescent -- especially my silver molly, and the very tips of my swordtail's fins (they almost look a shiny green -- he's orange). I haven't changed the tank's light source, and the lights in the room are the same as well. I haven't changed the type of food I feed my fish either -- they're on a flake & freeze dried bloodworm diet. (I have been feeding a little more flakes than normal, though, I think.) Any ideas?

20 gallon tank:
1 male swordtail
1 female silver sailfin molly
3 brilliant rasboras
2 glass catfish (had 3; 1 recently died)
5 ghost shrimp
1 pleco

Dear Signe,
Actually I don't think there is anything really wrong. Iridescent sheens on fish typically means their skin and scales are healthy and clear. Where a sickly fish may produce excess slime coating and have a extra dull look.

So this could only mean that your Swordtail and Molly are very healthy and are given good care.

Keep up the good work! I hope this helps!

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!