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Mosquito larvae

23 15:37:08

I have a large amount of mosquito larvae in my Gourami tank and i really do not have the patience to try and use them for their food.  i would like to know the easiest way to get rid of them without having to dump he whole tank, clean the whole thing(gravel and all) and refill and PH the tank for her.  any suggestions?

Hi Ross,

My suggestion is to do just that, dump the entire tank and alleviate them, but if you can't do that, then get to the store and buy an anti-parasitic that will kill them.

Pond supply stores often sell a mosquito larvae killer.  

You should consider a netting to place over the top of the aquarium which will help keep them from the tank, and, remember, if there are mosquitos in the tank, they are in your home and they carry some very deadly virii.

Good luck and I hope this helps.
