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Freshwater Angelfish

25 9:14:37

 1. I need to know, how I can tell the differance between the males and the females? I've had my setup for 6months now and don't know why they haven't matted..
 2. I have a great love for setting up and maintaining aquariums, and want to go into buisness for myself. My question is how do I get started as far as clintail and getting off the ground? PLEASE help!!!!  

Hi John;

Angels can't be sexed by looking unless they are actually in the act of spawning. Here is a page with links to more about it;

As far as getting a business started, I really can't help with that. You might want to get friendly with local fish store owners and see if there is a need for that type of service. It helps to have a fish store with a good reputation to back your efforts and give you referrals on new clients.

Good Luck

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins