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oscars and severums

23 16:12:48

hi there i was wondering if i get some oscars and severums at the same time and small will they get along because about 2 years ago i had 1 large 8inch oscar with my 6-7inch green severum in a 200+litre tank on their own but all they did was fight as soon as they seen each other and sometimes sersiouly hurt each other some eventually i took them back to the pet shop i thought it was just them fighting over territory but the fighting never ended so i would like to get some small oscars and small severums with other cichlids but these two species i'm worried about because of my past experience help me please?? thank you for your help

Hi Sam,
Because of each fish's individual personality. It can be very difficult to predict what will happen. I do know that Severums and Oscars typically do Ok together in most cases. It does help tremendously if the fish are raised together from nearly equal size babies and this usually equals to success but it doesn't guarantee longterm. Because cichlids do have a territorial tendency and when spawning mode hits them they can get aggressive, you have to allow for that possibly. Its all part of keeping cichlids.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!