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neons and white spot

23 16:52:01

My question is
I found a dead neon yesterday, and one of the other neons seems to have a shrivelled up eye one side.   it,s face is a bit yuk looking shrivelled is a good term for what it looks like, it,s a greyish colour too.
we do have a case of white spot at the moment which were treating.
We also have 6 baby mollies in a tiny tank within the big tank, do you think they will get it too.

As far as the neon that died and it looks gross, it's just decomposing and it probably got picked at from the other fish, it's gray cause it lost all it's color (just like a person does when they die)

There is no way to know if the other fish will get it until you treat the tank fully (guessing you have ich). Ich is a freeloating parasite, when you use the treatment your killing the freefloating parasites.. there is no way to treat the fish already infected. So there you go, good luck.