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bullied firemouths

25 9:09:10

hi nori,
       its been a few days since i bought two firemouth cichlids( both are 2inches long)and introduced them to my 55gal tank which houses 1 mature blue gourami, 1 leopard pleco, 3 scissortails, 2 leopard danios, and 3 pepper corydoras. the problem i have is that the gourami chases the firemouths all the time, hes even changed colour to a dark blue, he looks quite angry that the firemouths are in his tank, even when the firemouths hide he goes looking for them,. what should i do?
my water is perfect quality and all my fish are very healthy.
thank you for your time.

HI Steve,
Thank you for your letter. To restore peace in your tank, see if the aquarium supply shop will take them back. They may or may not give you your money back. Just for the heck of it, buy a bottle of Cycle, if you're not already using it to condition your water.
Here is my page for holistic aquarium care:
Write back if you want to discuss further.