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15 gallon

23 16:12:48

Hi,i have a 15 gallon aquarium and was planning on getting one simise algae eater one honey gourami and 2 male platies witch everyone said was fine.But when i got to my lfs the guy said that the simise was too small and didint have a rough enough outside shell to defend itself and it would get eaten.Instead he told me to get a small pleco and said it would only get too be the size of my aquarium.He also said i couldint get platies because the honey gourami would eat them.But i have 4 wcmm and so far (it been 2 days)they havent been eaten.So do you think i should get platies and if yes should i get 2 males or 3(female arent negotiable).I know my tanks already overstocked with the pleco but my dad said it would take years for it too get really big.

Hi there,
Well, again I am disappointed the petstore again never gives accurate advice...

The Siamese Algae eater is perfectly fine in your 15 gallon. And he would be fine with all those fish you mentioned. The common pleco was a bad idea because they can outgrow a small tank such as yours in perhaps a year or less depending upon their care. There is no such thing as a fish growing to the size of your tank. Ever.
Its not the dimensions of the tank that matter. It's the care they receive. If a fish like a pleco gets feed regularly and well enough, and water changes are done a proper regular basis then that fish will continue to grow, even if he can no longer turn around in his tank. Clean water with as low nitrates as possible and good quality food determines growth, not the actual tank size.

Now what can happen is "stunted" growth which is just as it says, a fish that is stunted by improper care, poor water conditions and too little food. But we wouldn't want to do that with our fish. That would be cruel.
It's too bad the petstore tricked you into getting the soon to be giant pleco. You could always take him back later on.

Also, the honey gourami will not eat smaller fish. You already know this, these little gouramis cannot eat even little WCMMs, or Neon tetras. The platies are definitely 100% safe.

I would get three platies if possible. The more better with these loose schooling fish.

You'll be okay with your tank. Just keep up with twice weekly water changes of about 30-50%. Aim to keep your nitrates as low as possible.

Best of luck! Have a good weekend!