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bubbles in my aquarium

23 17:01:13

We recently went from a 10 gallon aquarium to a 30 gallon aquarium.We have had it for about 1 week now.There seems to be an endless amount of bubbles at the top of it.I have tried not feeding them as much thinking it was  the problem,but to no avail.We have about 1 fish die every other day(goldfish).Then my husband informed me that he cleaned the lid and used spic and span and did not rinse it off.Is it possible that water splashed up onto the lid and that's what is causing all the bubbles? I rinsed it off with hot water and even took about 1 gallon of water out hoping this would help, but, nothing but more bubbles.Any suggestions?

Hi Erica,
Any chemicals that are on the lid can easily fall back into the aquarium with a splash of water. A tiny trace of cleaning agent is fatal to your fish. I recommend doing a 40% water change every day until the bubbles disappear. All you can do is hope for the best.

Good luck!