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Japanese Trapdoor Snail

23 16:02:03

Today I had bought a Japanese Tapdoor at the local pet store to add to my 1.8 gallon tank that we have a male Betta in.  I had gotten this snail to assist with the cleaning of the tank as there is no filter system.

This evening I discovered to my surprise that the snail was giving birth!  I seperated the Betta into another smaller tnk that we use as a 'hospital' tank when one of our fish becomes ill as he was attempting to eat them and killed one for sure. (We also have a 10 gallon with severl fish and an apple snail.)

My question is, how do I care for these little guys and when is it safe to reintroduce the betta or should I seperate them into another tank so he can have his own home back?

Also, for breeding purposes, how would one go about succesfully breeding these snails? I know they are not Hermaphoditic.


Hi Derek;

Well, I'm really not a snail expert but I did find a site you may be interested in looking over. You can do more internet searches on your own using their scientific name, Viviparis malleatus.

Good luck and have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins