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Ghost Knives

23 17:00:21

i have a ghost knive he is about 3 inches long and my tank is the right size for him 2 grow bigger what other fish could i put in my tank that would not be eaten by my ghost knive

Dear Sam,
Black Ghost knifefish do have surprisingly large mouths so care should be taken with their tankmates. They may and they may not eat smaller fish. Sometimes people have different experiences with them. But common sense is always best when adding tankmates. Keep in mind if well-cared for Black knives can easily reach 1 foot long. If the aquarium is large enough, you could try Angelfish, larger Gouramis, larger Rainbowfish, Discus, parrotfish, Bala Sharks, Silver dollars, perhaps even medium size peaceful cichlids such as Festivums or maybe gold severums (the golden variety of Severum tends to be very peaceful in my experience).

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and happy holidays!