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JACK My oscar

23 16:57:18

i had a 7 year old oscar who just died today....of I think "Hole of the head" i have the tank empty and would like to use it again . I would like to know the proper procedure to properly clean the entire tank.  Should i throw out everything such as graval, ornaments etc. as for the filters i will be purchasing an underground filter system.   thank you Joanne

hi and thanks for the question.....

hole in the head disease is strictly caused by poor water quality.  to reuse the tank all you need to do is clean with hot water, no soap.  the gravel should be rinsed in hot water again no soap.  the same for the decorations.  i am concerned with the mention of undergravel filter.  it alone will NOT be enough.  i use and recommend canister filters(Cascade is a GREAT one) these can be purchased at most pet stores.  with Oscars be sure to use on that is rated for an aquarium size larger than the one you have as Oscars are very messy.  also the tank size should be noted that minimum for 1 Oscar is 55 gallon preferably 75 gallon aquarium.  remember a full grown Oscar can reach a size of 16 inches and exceptionally up to 24 inches!!! that's a big fish.  i have learned through raising Oscars myself that one should always use rock work and drift wood with them.  also recommend unbreakable stealth heaters.  additionally i recommend the omega one brand chiclid pellets(large) for feeding Oscars.  also supplement with omega one brand krill as a treat food.  the orange (carotene) in the krill with bring out the beautiful orange in your Oscar.  i discourage the feeding of live animals to captive pets for reasons of disease and parasites.  i suggest you change 30% of the water weekly even with great filtration.  also treat with water conditioner(start right by jungle is great) and stress coat.  be sure to add aquarium salt to the water at a rate of 2 teaspoonfuls per 5 gallons.  the Oscars love the salt in the water and most water borne bacteria and viruses hate it.  another note----leave the aquarium light on for 3-4 hours/day for a happy Oscar.  i recommend a florescent light strip with an actinic bulb in it. might want to check out for the products i mentioned as that is where i purchase most of them.  omega one is available nationwide at petsmart stores.  i hope my advice helps.

good luck
