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my pleco-too big?

23 16:14:46

Hi- I am thinking of exchanging my pleco for a smaller one as I have a 20 gal. tank and he is about 5" from nose to tail...but my son says he's just fine.  I worry!  I fear his environment is too small for him.

Just happened across you when an answer to another pleco question appeared.  Cucumber?  AMAZING!  Would that be good/ok for other fish in the tank?  You also mentioned not to give him algae pellets.  We've been feeding him 5 of those a day according to Petsmarts advice.  Is this also a bad thing?



Hi Lisa,
Your pleco probably isn't too big for your 20 gallon -yet- but it depends on what other fish are with him and how crowded that makes the tank.

He will grow too large for this tank after maybe a year or two. I've seen plecos grow to more than a foot long.

Cucumber, Zucchini, Lettuce, Spinach and peas are all GREAT vegetables to give to plecos and they really enjoy them. Algae pellets/wafers are good as a supplement but if given in excess as the sole food all the time the pleco may not thrive as well. But yes you can give them algae pellets/wafers everyday but also supplement with vegetables frequently.

The worst thing with plecos is their waste production. And with their habit of constantly eating and grazing they can pollute their tank very quickly and they'll need extra water changes to keep their water clean.

I hope this helps!