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Bubble Eye Goldfish

23 16:41:34

Hi, I recently added two orandas to my 29 gallon tank and they seem to be biting my bubble eye goldfish. Also I think one of my bubble eye goldfish is sick. It swims sluggishly and lies down a lot. When it goes to the surface for food, it vertically up. Can you tell me what's wrong?

Hi Harris;

Bubble eyes are very slow guys that really can't defend themselves against faster fish. It is probably stressed and can't relax. It's even possible it's a female with a tank full of males. Test the water for the presence of ammonia and nitrite too. The addition of more fish can cause those toxins to spike. Weaker fish are more sensitive to the effects of them. Make 25% water changes, daily if necessary, to lower them until the system stabilizes.

You might consider taking the orandas back to the store. Your tank is really only big enough for 2 or 3 goldfish at the most anyway. Change 25% of the tank water at least once a week and vacuum the gravel to help keep organic wastes down. All your fish will stay healthier and be able to fight off disease that way.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins