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Betta tank mates

23 15:27:23

Hi Richard,

Nick here, just a simple question. Can male bettas be kept with fish such as guppies and corydoras cats?
Thanks :)

Hi Nick

A male Betta can't be kept with Guppies, Neon or Cardinal Tetras, Angelfish, or any other fancy finned or brightly colored fish. The Betta will attack and kill them. You also want to avoid fish that will nip your Bettas fins such as Barbs and Tetras. Also avoid hyperactive tank mates such as Zebra Danios that will stress your graceful Betta. I do keep my Bettas with Cory Cats without any problems. I also keep my Bettas with Mollies, Platys, Dwarf Gouramis, and White Clouds.

Keep in mind when placing tank mates with your Betta, that all Bettas are different. What works for one, may or may not work for another. Make sure the tank mates you choose will be close to the same size as the Betta, and they are not brightly colored or have fancy fins, and you should be fine. As with placing tank mates with just about any fish, be ready to pull one out in case trouble starts.

Hope this helps, good luck!
