Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > compadabilty


23 15:41:08

QUESTION: i wanted to know if these fish will be compadable in a 55 gallon tank:
2 parrot fish, fire eel, pleco, red tail shark, a lobster, green terror, and maybe an angel fish or two

ANSWER: Chris,,

Let me start by giving some information.
1. Parrot fish need a 35 gallon tank just for one so 70 gallon for the 2
2. fire eel needs a 35 gallon tank just for one
3. red tail shark needs a 55 gallon tank just for one
4. lobsters need a large tank because they keep growing (might depend on
    type of lobster)
5. green terror needs a min 55 gallon tank with very good filtration.
6. Need a tall tank since they grow up not so much as out.

So, your 55 gallon tank is way too small to house all those fish. They might be small now and look cute but remember, they still have to grow. Also, what kind of lobster is it? They are usually reef dwellers meaning salt water. Yes you can add some salt to the tank for your eel, but your shark is a fresh water fish. Your shark needs the water temperature to be between 73 to 79 degrees so you will need a heater. I don't know about the lobster since I don't know what kind you have. I always tell people when trying to put a tank together, what is the one fish that you really want to have? Once you pick that fish, I can help you figure out who the best tank mates are. I can do that for you if you know which one you really want. Let me know what kind of lobster you have or want and we can work from there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the help, well i really want the parrot fish but i would also like to know what fish could go with a red tail shark

ANSWER: Chris,

  Hopefully you know that unless you have a very large tank and I mean 100+ gallons, you will only be able to put one (1) red tail in there.

This is what can go with your red tailed shark:

  Similar sized South American Cichlids
  Similar sized Scavenger Catfish

Hope this helps you out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for your help. i settled with community fish, today i got 4 gouramis, 2 clown loaches, 2 bala sharks (that are still really small), 2 scavenger catfish, and two angel fish, im also thinking about getting some sword tails


 All these fish are compatible, however, your tank is too small for all those fish. Here's why,

1. The Gouramis need 20 gallons each, you have four therefore they need 80 gallons just for the four of them.

2. The Clown Loach needs 75 gallons each you have 2 therefore they need 150 gallons just for them.

3. Bala sharks need 30 gallons per fish you have 2 therefore you need 60 gallons just for the 2 of them.

4. The Scavenger Cats, depending on which ones you have, need 20 gallons each. Although you only have 2 and only need 40 gallons, they are added to the fish already in the tank.

5.The Angel Fish need 30 gallons each and a tank 24" high. They grow up not out. You have 2 so they need 60 gallons just for the 2 of them.

So in order to house these fish correctly you will need a 340 gallon tank to house the fish you now have in a 55 gallon tank. Even though your Bala sharks are really small they grow very fast and will not stop growing depending on their tank size. I would start shopping now for a larger tank to move them all over within a month.

I cannot express enough how important housing is for these fish. Over population leads to fighting, disease, and even death. Fish are not cheap and I don't think you want to have to restock your tank every month. Bigger is always better then smaller. Please take into consideration what I am saying and either take some of the fish back to the store or buy a much larger tank to keep your fish in. With a little patience and not as many fish, you will have an outstanding tank.  Hope this helps.