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ocars in my 50 gal tank..

23 16:44:13

i bought 3 ocars at petco..i  was told to put aquarium salt its cheeper, to fix the fuzzy like things on them  soo  it went away  now it looks like theresa skin peeling off on the sides. anda little on the i keep useing the salt too help ijust wanta good tank,,and make them feel beter and heal them..its not ick..but i doo wonder,,  jon

Well, I would keep a close watch on the amount of salt you put in. It does indeed, in the recommended does, help to cure parasites and diseases but it can be harmful if in large quantities, of course to freshwater. Rather than continue with the salt though, I would get a fungus treatment for the fish. I would do a water change to lower the salt level and purchase a fungus treatment, as the "fuzzy" stuff is fungus. However the use of a treatment would only be followed if they have moderate symptoms. Also, raise the heater to 80-85, this helps keep the diseases at bay, expecially ick (I realize you do not have ick now but it tends to pop up everywhere, especially in stressed fish). I would also invest in a water test kit, yes it is alittle costly at first but it will provide years of a beautiful tank due to the ability to measure the water and fix it accordingly. The only time salt is a good treatment, not for all freshwater fish, is when the symptoms are very mild and you just caught them. If the symptoms are moderate to severe than an actual treatment is vital. Also, keep in mind while treatment is vital to moderate to severe diseases, it is very stressful for the fish. An already stressed fish gets more stressed from the treatment, thus it is not always successful. On the other hand, it can and usually does cure the issue and bring the fish back to health. What to do you ask? If the symptoms are moderate to severe, it is vital and a must to purchase the correct treatment even though it may kill them to treat them, it also may cure them. It is very difficult to predict how a fish will react and even how severe the disease is. We just need to keep in mind that trying to keep nature in our livings rooms or bedrooms does not always work out and we dont always have the ability to provide the appropriate habitat. Dont let this discourage you, however, if properly executed and maintained, a freshwater tank can give years of joy and beauty. Let me know if I can help you any more.
                                        Rachel A.