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aquariam lights

23 16:39:24

Can I turn off the light in my tank? I have 2 tetras, a snail and a beta. Do they need a light at night when it is dark?

Hi Nikole;

Fish really don't need a light at night. The light is actually just for us to see our fish or to grow live aquarium plants if we have them. Fish just rest near the bottom when it's dark. Many experts believe fish need this rest time even though they don't actually "sleep".

On the other hand, if you like it on at night leave it on. Your tank may grow too much algae though. If it does, cut back on the hours you leave the light on. I have some tanks that I leave on 24 hours a day and others are on timers to shut off at night. It's really up to you.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins