Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Goldfish is floating on its side :(

Goldfish is floating on its side :(

23 16:41:36

Hi, my goldfish seemed to be doing fine and was very active till a few days ago. Last riday, he started to become bent and was at the bottom of his fish bowl (which can hold around a gallon of water). The next day, he seemed alright, was active again, and then again the next day he went back to his side, his back was bent and since then, he has been like that. Today he tried to come up, but went back in like a torpedo. He is not eating anything. I change water on his bowl every two weeks. The water I use is filtered from the fridge, but I warm it to room temp before I put him in.  He lives alone in his bowl. I feel helpless. Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Ananth;

I'm so sorry you have been misled about what your goldfish needs. A bowl is just too small. It is a commonly believed myth that goldfish don't need more than a fish bowl to live in. Some places have laws against them now because of that. Lack of oxygen and waste toxins building up are taking their toll on his poor little body and his swim bladder has failed. He needs a regular tank with a filter. Change his water every day until you can get him at least a ten gallon tank with good filtration. It will keep waste toxins lower and help him with oxygen until he gets his new tank. In the new tank, change 25% of the water at least every week. Hopefully he will heal over time and his swim bladder will begin functioning again.

Here is a web page about goldfish and their needs;

Here is my own page about new tanks so you can get him through the break-in period of his new tank;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins