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Drilled freshwater aquarium

23 16:24:27

I would like to set up a new freshwater aquarium in a 120 gallon tank and was wondering if a sump type filter or a canister filter would work the best.  Local fish stores have told me two different things.  One said the overflow would be too loud so go with the canister filter and the other said to go with the sump.  Is it worth going with sump type for freshwater?

the sump increases the carry capacity of the tank as you are adding in additional water volume.
It will not be loud at all if done correctly.
Also, you can keep your heater, filter etc in the sump.
You can section the sump off depending on the size and grow plants in the sump to absorb nutrients..anachris, hygro, water sprite etc.
a fresh water answer to a salt water refugium.
If it were me I would go with the sump.
If you have further questions just ask