Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Black Ghost Knife

Black Ghost Knife

23 16:06:57

QUESTION: Hello again BAD News my black ghost knifes tail came of i think my flying fox bit it off he is floating at the top almost looking like he is in his deaths bed what should i do im very disapointed he seems to look very weak and his undulating fins are going extremly slow, poor ghostie :-( (i just hope he is o.k)

ANSWER: Hi John... Can you separate them???? The BGK may just need a chance to rest without being bothered.  You can try to treat him with Malafix for his wound... let me know if anything changes...dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: good news and bad news

first of all my ghostie died and i buried him in my yard.

the good news is i got another one who seems to be around 18cm i called him black jack as in those sticky sweets

i would like to hand feed him but he just swims away when i try, could you tell me how to, i would appreciate it!!
when i purchased my new ghostie i also got 3 black sharks and a small pleco the black sharks clean the algea off the plant leaves and play peak a boo with me which is really cute the pleco seems to be kinda small and lazy could you give some advice on these fish because i can't seem to find any good sites, i also bought a pictus catfish a few weeks ago and he is boring because he never comes out of my skull ornament i have, what do you think would make 'em come out to play!!

what is your fav fish that would be suitable for my tank i would like to get one

P.S nyererei cichlids rock but i can't get one for my tank Thanks!!

Hi John:  I am sorry to read that your BGK died... I am happy that you have decided to try again.  You might want to add in another BGK as they sometimes like to have "buddies."  Plecostomus are nocturnal so you will see him more at night... in the day time they hide and rest.... Black sharks are really great fish too... and  you will find that they can be quite friendly.  Hand feeding the BGK will take time... maybe even a month of you trying before he gets brave enough to take food from your hand... The trick is to be persistent and PATIENT.... You will want to supplement all of these fish with algae tablets so they do not starve.... dave