Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > cannister filter

cannister filter

23 16:35:18

QUESTION: Quick question, I recently purchased a cascade cannister filter. I think it is a 1000 model. Twice now I have noticed in the hose that returns the water back to the tank is clogging up with this slimy red almost like mangled worms stuck inside the holes that the water comes back out of. What is this? I have changed the filters both times and noticed this stuff is down at the bottom of the cannister. I think I might be missing a piece for this filter. What are your thoughts? And thank you for your help

ANSWER: Hi Eddie
I'm not familiar with that brand of filter.  I tried looking it up, and they don't show all the chambers and such.  Are the directions helpful at all lol?  I mean to make sure you do have all the pieces.  Is it possible it's some kind of filter floss, that got discolored from the waste and food in the tank?

Is this a fresh water or salt water tank?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Christy,
This is a fresh water tank. I checked the box again and found the directions for set up and it looks like I do have all the parts. Yeah I have no idea what this stuff is. When I came home tonight it was clogged again. It's weird. The fish are fine and I tested the water and nothing seems to be out of order. Well thanks for the help and if you find anything out let me know. Thanks again.

Hi Eddie
I asked if it was salt water, because before I had done a quick search and came up with this link:

It's a cyanobacteria, usually called red algae.  But that's geared towards salt water tanks.  I know there is a slime algae/cyanobacteria for fresh water tanks, but it's usually a black color.  Here's a link about that one:

I've never heard of it concentrating strictly in a filter though, but it would kind of make sense, since all the organic wastes would be concentrated in there.  Read through that second one, and see if kind of describes it at all, aside from the color.

But, you're saying it looks similar to worms....any chance of getting a good picture of it?  If you can, send it to and just put fish picture or something like that in the subject line so I know it's not spam.  
What's in the tank-everything, plants, types of fish, gravel, decorations and what types of that stuff?  Anything new, besides the filter added recently?
Here's a weird thought, do you feed bloodworms?  

I'll keep looking, and I'll send you an edited/revised copy of this one.  Also, try posting to another expert on here, maybe someone else will have a better idea of what it could be.
