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New fish?

23 16:13:31

I just started a new 55 gallon tank and moved my old fish into it with the
intent on adding more fish. The tank water is a little cloudy and smells a little.
I did a 10% water change. I was wondering if I could still purchase the new
fish or do I need to wait for the cloudiness and odor to go away?

Hi Doug,
The smell may be ammonia and I'd definitely wait until you can get the water quality better and then start gradually stocking the tank.

The best to battle ammonia and cloudy water problems is to do 30-50% water changes everyday (always make sure that the new water is treated with a good water conditioner and the temp is equal or just a bit warmer than your tank). This is a lot of work but it will help. Your aquarium needs time to cycle in order for the odor and the smell to go away. Most aquariums cycle within  4-6 weeks.

I hope all goes well!