Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > injured sailfin pleco

injured sailfin pleco

23 16:39:04

my pleco got stuck in a pipe the other day and he broke off two of the spines on his sail and now there are two red and white blobs at the base where the spine broke off. What do i do and will he be ok?

Hi Matthew;

Oops. Poor guy. Fins usually grow back just fine as long as the fish is healthy and the wound doesn't become infected. Keep the tank water and gravel very clean so the risk is lower. I like to use a product called "MelaFix" to help inhibit infection and help with tissue regrowth. Sometimes redness indicates an infection has already set in. If so, you will want to use a regular antibiotic such as Maracyn to treat it. Use the Melafix at the same time to help heal.

If you do have to medicate, it would be best to isolate the fish so you aren't treating the main tank. Healthy fish should not be treated and medicine can really wreak havoc with your tank's biological balance as well as make it look awful. Change 25% of the water daily in the isolation tank to keep his immune system strong.

I hope all goes well...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins