Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > overcrowding.....


23 15:59:45

Ok Starting out I know this is crazy and a bit stupid. but I am doing the best I can. My current tank is a 10 gallon Running two 20 gallon filters with active carbon and bio wheels, I do 10% change every two days and a 25-30% weekly. Here is why

4 Mollys(2 silver 1 black)
6 GloFish(3 green 3 red)
2 Abilno Corys
1 gold Algea eater
2 Red Wag platy
2 Rosy Barb

While I know this is to many this is a temp solution, I am holding fish for someone who no longer wanted them after only keeping them for 2 weeks, another friend is moving his turtle from a 29 gallon to a 55 gallon tank in the coming weekends and Ill be moving my fish into that Tank. Until then to maintain best possible environment I have been doing these water changes and testing water daily and keeping close tabs on them. question is while everyone is happy and active and I don't have any fighting. Is there anything else I should be doing to maintain such a crazy tank. I have keep my water in great condition and as long as I keep the water in great condition Can I maintain such an over stocked tank for extended time as a few weeks to a month or so?

I know one thing that is noticeable, is I have 2 male molly and 2 female, 1 male is a silver and is a horn dog, the other females are black and silver, the other male a black seems to have no interest in the females or anything since day one though i was told he would because of his species.

I feed Tetra color, and hikra bottom feeder disc(Few flakes and 1 disc a day(The disc feeds up to 5 and all my fish but the glo's love them and eat them first) The algae eater refuses the algae disc even though i have no "Visible" Alge he perfes his food fresh from tank surfaces. I am careful not to over feed and often do two feedings in a row because i put in such tiny amounts at each time. I feed 1-2x a day. I use Accu-clear every 4-5 days, and weekly I use API stress Zyme as directed, I have though about trying ammonlock but I like to use water changes rather them chemicals.  also I use small amounts of Aquirum salt as a tonic and replace what i take out in water changes as I add it to the bucket of clean water when I add conditioner, then let that sit 20 minutes and ensuring proper temp return the clean treated water to the tank.

I am realtivly new to fish but not to animals as I worked in rescue(6 years) for large animals(horses, cats, birds, wolves, and ducks) so daily care even care that takes alot time doesn't bother me in the least. Is there anything else I should do or change in my care of these guys(and yes I know top priory is a bigger tank and will soon but until them)

P.S. My water is as clear as most tanks I have seen in the stores aside from Petsmarts crystal clear, there is no smell but it isn't crystal and I don't think i can expect that with my fish load, even with almost always having perfect water test.  

hey jean.
must be a  pain but your doing fine aslong as you keep it up.
once the new tank comes in you wont have to do as much work as now.
sounds like everything you're doing is great. dont let the gravel over flow with food let the fish eat the old stuff first, keep the tank smelling like new, keep the water a clear as you can. other than that keep up the good work and rush your friend lol.
hope it turns out!

p.s remember to wash the filter cartidges every  week.