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Introducing,and having snails in 1 gallon betta tank

23 17:03:14

Hi..Ihave a one gallon tank housing a male betta.It has been set up for about 3 months.
Imake water changes every day.My question....
I have a little algae spot..
Iwant to add a you introduce a snail the same way as a new fish?(the bag in the tank for 20 minute thing),or can i put him in there another way?
Question #2..should the snail be a certain size?meaning the snails chance of survival with the betta being favorable.
I'm a babe in the woods as far as snails go,just want the betta and snail to co-habitate peacefully...
Thanks for your time

Hi Ed;

I would get a snail at least the size of a small grape. Too small could make him a snack for your betta. Sometimes bettas like to nip at even the larger snails so you may see the snail active only at night. The "antennas" that snails have look like food to a betta so they try to eat them. They kinda look like wiggly worms. Your snail may need to be supplemented with a piece of romaine, peeled pea or green bean once he eats all the algae. They are voracious eaters.

You should float your new snail like you would a fish. Just don't add the bag water to the tank. Throw it away because it has ammonia and other ugly junk in it from stress.  

I just have to tell you how wonderful it is to hear about the frequency of your water changes. Daily is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins