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My fish are dieing

23 16:35:52

My sister wanted fish for her birthday so we got an aquarium and some of these orange fish. Then we bought some white and black mollys and some neon tetras. And then we put in some of these bubble things inand the fish started to die. Help?

Hi Kim
How large is the tank?
Is there a filter on the tank?  
Do you have any idea what the orange fish are/were?
How many fish did you have in the tank at once?

Sounds like what happened is what's called "new tank syndrome".  You can do a search on those words and find lots of articles, and I'll post one as well.  Basically what happens, fish put out ammonia naturally through their waste and respiration.  A beneficial bacteria develops, which converts ammonia into nitrites.  Another bacteria converts those nitrites into nitrates.  This whole process is called the nitrogen cycle, or just "the cycle process"-also search those terms.  Here's that link, it's the first article, also read through the ammonia and nitrite poisoning articles:

Now, ammonia and nitrites are extremely toxic to fish-some fish are more sensitive to it then others-like neons.  It will stress and most likely kill most fish.  So, I'd say your fish died from ammonia poisoning.  

I have a really bad storm coming in now, and I'm probably going to lose power, so I"m trying to be quick here lol.  Read through those, and get back to me with those answers when you can and if you have any questions about the article.
