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25 9:08:06

I am currently setting up my my first tank and have a few questions.  I have a 55 gallon tank and currently have 5 Danio's, 2 Bala's, 1 Rainbow Shark, 1 Catfish, 1 Tiger Barb and 1 Pleco.  Do you have any suggestions on what the Rainbow and the Bala's would like to feed on?  I currently use Tetra flakes, bloodworms (which they never get because they won't top feed) and shrimp pellets.  The Rainbow likes the shrimp pellets but the others pretty much eat the flakes.  I'd appreciate anything you can offer... :)

Dear Erik,
Rainbow sharks and as well as Bala sharks eat almost the same types of foods. Rainbow sharks are primarily bottom feeders but will sometimes come up for other foods in the mid-water to surface areas.
The best diet for Rainbow sharks is plenty of variety in the form of shrimp pellets, algae tablets/wafers, algae-based flake foods, and all other flake foods. You can also try all your fish on frozen food. Like worms, brine shrimp, ect.. Frozen foods will float or you can place some thawed worms near your rainbow shark's favorite hiding place or in the gravel where he can forage for it.
Few fish ever refuse frozen food. And this also gives them plenty of variety along with normal staple flakes and pellets. Remember that Rainbow sharks are primarily algae grazers in nature (they originate from Thailand) And freeze-dried food like Tubifex worms can be softened and sunk slightly in the gravel where bottom feeders will eagerly forage for them. Vegetable base foods are very important though. Bala sharks are omnivorous and will accept most all aquarium foods that fall in the mid-water to bottom region.
So far you are doing quite well in offering your fish some good variety! Just try to include some frozen foods or sinking algae wafers too!

I really hope this helps!
Only my very best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!!!!