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orandas and red jewel

23 15:55:05

i have i red jewel and 6 orandas, can i mixed them in a 31 gallon tank?  i observed that my jewel don't eat. what kind of fish foods can i give to my jewel?

Hi there,

Unfortunately, you cannot keep Red Jewels and Oranda Goldfish together.
Goldfish are coldwater fish, which means they need temperatures of 70F or below, while your Red Jewel Cichlid is a tropical fish, meaning the need temperatures of 75F or greater. This is actually a large difference. If you keep them together, one or both species will become very stressed, and eventually die. You must keep them separately.

Please note that Goldfish will live for 25 years or so. That being said, they will also grow to a large size, about 12" or 30 cm. A 31 gallon tank can only hold 2 or 3 adult Goldfish. They may be small now, but just keep this in mind.

Your Jewel might be a bit stressed, if you recently got him/her at the fish store. Make sure you feed a variety of foods, not just flakes or pellets. Feeding Freeze-dried brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and other frozen/freeze-dried foods will bring out the best colors and put him/her in optimal health. All these foods should be available at your local fish store.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!