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Snail safe ?

25 9:17:40

Hello Karen I hope my message finds you well.
The other day I picked up a few fish form the local pet shop and with the fish they had instructions on acclimating them with my fish and water. The sheet also said to add a little dose of Ick Cure with them (I suppose in a preventive role)My question is will the Ick Cure hurt any of my plants or snails?
FYI My tank is a small 5 gal. eclipse .I have a Betta ,some Neon's and one Golden Snail.I do small water changes every other day or so,W/live Plants. Another question do you use aquarium salt in you're tanks? Thank you for any help you can offer

Hi Marshall,
Well, in my personal opinion, I don't think the use of ick Cure medication is good for the fish. Yes, it will help reduce the possibility of the ever common ick parasites but the medications will harm your biological filter you should be striving to keep healthy. Your biolfilter which actually consists of benefical little creatures in the form of bacteria whom convert harmful wastes secreted by your fishes into less-toxic compounds--live all around in your aquarium, but particularly are common in your aquarium's filter. If any sort of medications are added, the beneficial bacteria would be severely damaged, maybe even killed off. Causing your aquarium to have to be re-established all over again. And your fish harmed in the way of their waste would not be removed by them anymore.
Anyway, back to the main question, Ick cure can harm snails and may damage plants so I would reccommend you NOT use it at all in respect to your snail' well-being.
Salt is benefical for fish when they really need it, like if a fish has parasites or has some other illness. Salt can lessen the amount of parasites and can help witgh fungal infections... But it is not needed all the time. Many fish survive just as well without it. And most fish breeders in the far east don't bother with it. I rarely use salt. But it is a very good side-treatment to a good medication if a fish is ill.

You are doing everything right. Just make sure you keep up with water changes just like you are doing and your fish, plants, and Golden snail should thrive for years to come!~

If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!
Karen~ Happy holidays*