Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Molly eggs HELPPPPPPPP


23 16:41:46

We have a molly that just layed eggs in a breeder we got will the eggs hatch, are they even fertilized, and should we put a male in the breeder to fertilize them. We already have three babies but they are some type of sword-tail. Please help.

Firstly, the adults should not be kept in the breeder, just the fry when they have hatched/are born. Mollies are livebeareres, and do not lay eggs. What you are seeing is definitely not eggs (Platies are livebearers too so it's not Platy eggs either). If you could get a photo of them, maybe that would help. Until then, I cannot tell you what they are. The only thing you can be sure of is they are not eggs. She will grow very big and them release live fry after 3 to 4 weeks. You should put her back into the main tank until they are born, then move the fry into the breeding net until they are 2cm in length. Feed them baby brine shrimp, crushed flake food and liqui-fry.
Best of luck,