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23 16:00:09

i have a black moore goldfish i just got it from a pet shop 3 days ago, its face looks like its peeling and is white i would like to know what is wrong with it.
                      thank you,

Hi Des,
It sounds like a fungal infection. Look here for perhaps a better diagnoses as well as treatment.

What I do for fungus treatment, however. Is get some "Jungle brand" Fungus Clear. First do a 50% water change before medicating. Treat for as long as symptoms are there and 1-2 days after they do completely disappear.
Every day during treatment I like to do a 50% water change and re-dose the medication. This is against medication instructions but it does no harm to the fish and seems to be MUCH more effective and a lot faster results come. Old water can deactivate medication ingredients and with big polluters like goldfish its best to do those large water changes.  Clean water helps their immune system as well.

You may also try a little aquarium salt added to the tank along with the med. Remember to pre-dissolve it first and only add more salt if you are doing a water change and add back just enough salt according to however many gallons you took out. Salt is a good deterrent to fungus and can help relieve some stress on the fish too.

The white discoloration and peeling may also be water quality related if this is a new tank especially. Signaling water changes need to be done ASAP!

Any other symptoms? Keep a close eye on him/her. I hope this helps!