Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Newts


23 16:15:09

i've had these 2 firebelly newts for 2 days, and at the pet store i bought "newt & salamander bites" which they dont seem to like because they wont eat.
so i'd like to know what kind of fish/shrimp i can put in the tank for them to feed on.

Hi Chris,
A lot of critters like newts tend to not like what "they are suppose to eat" like the pellets and other types of dry foods recommended.

They much prefer live insects like crickets, waxworms, and bloodworms which you can get from your petstore. Just make sure the prey is small enough for the newt to eat it. You could try some of the frozen fish foods available as well that are of a high meat content.

Overtime they may learn to accept pellets but almost all aquatic critters like that always have a strong preference for what most resembles their natural diet in the wild.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!