Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > nitrite too high

nitrite too high

23 16:50:27

hi, i have a tank set up with 7 barbs 4 green tiger and 3 tiger, i also have two catfish. they are all great together but i can't get my nitrite levels down, i have put treatments in like safe water,cycle and bactozym  i have ammo chips. i have done 10% changes daily. i tried 50% change i have two air systems in place. my water was very cloudy i managed to clear it but levels still very high. i also have carbon filter and bio filter,both have been cleaned and or changed. i am at a loss.

 Tiger barbs and green tiger barbs are the same and should at least be in groups of 5 or more. If you have a small tank, that might be your problem. If you have that many fish in a small tank, the fish produce too much waste, so get another tank right away.
  Hope this helps! :)